
O Tetra Pak® Cheese Vat OO SH9 foi especificamente projetado para a produção de queijos semiduros de alta qualidade. Ele tem todas as funções necessárias para um processamento controlado e previsível, incluindo envase de leite para queijo, mistura de ingredientes, coagulação de leite, corte de coágulo, mistura, descarga de soro de leite, adição de água, esvaziamento e CIP (limpeza no local).

benefícios do cheese vat oo-sh9
Tetra Pak® Cheese Vat OO SH9

Flexible, reliable curd production

Tetra Pak® Cheese Vat OO SH9


Unique knife & frame design

Unique knife & frame design

Reduces mechanical stress and increases hygiene

The knives are only welded at one end of the knife frame, which gives the system a degree of elasticity, and reduces the risk of bending or breaking. This enables a longer lifetime, as well as increased repeatability. Furthermore, our unique design has been shown to reduce losses of fats and fines, and to inhibit the build-up of curd during production, thus enhancing hygiene.

Dimple heating jacket

Dimple heating jacket

Improves heat transfer and control over the heating process

The curd/whey mixture is heated (or cooled) by a dimple jacket filled with hot water, which is wrapped around the bottom of the vat (with an option to have it wrapped around the side walls of the tank body, if needed). This method can achieve the same heat transfer effect as steam heating, but with a lower temperature. Moreover, the temperature is easier to control, thereby reducing fouling and denaturation of the whey proteins.

Stable Vat design

Stable Vat design

Increases equipment lifetime

Over time, frequent heating and cooling of the vat can lead to cracks. Our vat design takes these temperature fluctuations into account. The critical areas are designed to allow a degree of movement, which reduces the risk of cracking and increases the lifetime of the equipment. In addition, the inner and outer wall of the tank are heated at the same time, allowing the vat to expand evenly.

Control system

Optimizes production of all cheese types

The control system can be used independently or fully integrated into your plant control system. Based on an analysis of the data generated, you can fine-tune your production to meet your priorities – such as preventing product waste or reducing processing time. It helps you get the best quality end product with the most efficient process, while allowing the maximum freedom to adapt recipes.

Vertical shafts

Vertical shafts

Increases the number of possible products

Thanks to the double vertical shaft, it is possible to work with a wide variety of filling levels. This expands your freedom to produce different cheese types without compromising the equipment’s performance.

High-capacity whey suction

Achieves an even mixture and reduce losses

When it’s time to remove the whey from the curd, our high-capacity whey suction feature does the job quickly. It reduces the length of sedimentation time, thereby minimizing the fusing of curds. Consequently, when mixing begins again, less force is required to loosen the curd particles and create an even mixture. Losses of fat and fines are also reduced.

Cordless whey seive

Cordless whey seive

Enhances hygiene and reliability

The whey sieve is lowered and lifted by means of a stainless-steel cylinder, which is both hygienic and reliable. It moves fast, especially during lifting, which further contributes to a short sedimentation time and hence, limits the losses of fat and fines.

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