Clarification of beverages: 5 things you need to know

A clarifier is a type of centrifugal separator, but clarifiers and milk separators serve slightly different duties. Here are five things you need to know about clarification that can help you make better decisions about your processing needs.

Yellow beverage in glass with white background
  1. Whether you’re producing milk, whey or ready-to-drink tea, a clarifier will efficiently remove the unwanted solids from your liquid, leaving you with a clear, sediment-free product.
  2. Raw milk contains all kinds of material that you do not want to introduce in your processing line. Clarifying your milk prior to processing will protect your downstream equipment by removing material such as sand, soil, dust and precipitated protein.
  3. Clarification of milk can be done both warm and cold – whatever fits your process and milk quality needs.
  4. Cheese fines are always present in whey. If you are processing whey in any form, you should always remove the cheese fines first – they affect fat separation negatively and they can clog up your separators and filters. Clarifying your whey will give your downstream equipment – such as separators and filters – the prerequisites to perform properly, by limiting the fouling.
  5. By clarifying your ready-to-drink tea, you will get an appealing end product that doesn’t sediment during storage.

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