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Two experts speaking next to homogenizer

Tetra Pak launches homogenizer range incorporating Circle Green stainless steel with lower carbon footprint

Tetra Pak has expanded its homogenizer portfolio, offering machines with Outokumpu Circle Green stainless steel, with a carbon footprint reduction up to 93%.

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Research shows food and beverage companies committed to plastic reduction, prompted by consumer demand

Research shows food and beverage companies committed to plastic reduction, prompted by consumer demand.

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Tetra Pak sponsored IDF Dairy Innovation Awards 2024 are now open for entries

The International Dairy Federation (IDF) and Tetra Pak have announced the launch of the IDF Dairy Innovation Awards 2024.

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Beverage carton recycling to significantly improve with introduction of dedicated sorting in Ireland’s largest materials recovery facility

The Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment – ACE Ireland, has announced a new partnership with Panda aimed at significantly improving the recycling process of cartons placed on the Irish market. As part of the collaboration, Tetra Pak, along with other ACE Ireland members funded the installation of state-of-the-art robotic sorting technology at Panda’s materials recovery facility (MRF) in Ballymount, Dublin.

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Elizabeth Anderberg

Communications Regional Director North Europe